Lomatium dissectum

Lomatium dissectum                          Common name:  Lomatium, Fern leaf, Biscuit root

Part used: Root

Constituents: Volatile oil, gums, oleo-resins (terpenes & sesquiterpenes), furanocoumarins (nodakenetin, columbianin and pyranocoumarin), carbohydrates, protein, fatty acids, ascorbic acid (22%), methylamines, valeric acid

Medicinal actions:  Tonic, immuno-stimulant, antimicrobial (antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial), stimulating expectorant

Medicinal use: Lomatium is useful in acute and chronic viral, bacterial, fungal infections and other inflammatory disorders of the respiratory system. It is most effective in treating infections when it is given as early as possible and in small frequent doses.


  • Volatile oils are strongly anti-bacterial, interfering with bacterial replication and inducing increased phagocytosis by leucocytes.
  • Oleo-resins rich in terpenes & sesquiterpenes are stimulating expectorants in the lungs, enhancing the liquification and consequent elimination of mucoid material.
  • Furanocoumarins (nodakenetin, columbianin and pyranocoumarin) are anti-viral, and prevent viral replication and host cell response. 
  • High ascorbic acid content in leaf is immuno-regulating and anti-microbial.

Pharmacy: Tincture (1:5, 70%), 1-2 ml TID. As food or steam inhalation.

Toxicity:  Some individuals develop a pruritic, generalized maculopapular rash that mimics measles. The rash resolves several days after lomatium is discontinued.  The lomatium isolate is prepared by separating out the resin.  This form of the medicine can be used without the rash side effect.

Contraindictions: None known.

Interactions: None known.

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