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Galium aparine

Galium aparine                        Common name:  Cleavers

 Part used:  Aerial

Constituents: Acids (caffeic, gallic, salicylic, citric), iridoid glycosides (asperuloside), tannins (gallotannic acid), coumarins, flavonoids, polyphenolic acid, alkanes, anthraquinones (root only)

Medicinal actions:  Adaptogen, lymphatic tonic & cleanser, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, astringent, detoxifier, alterative, hypotensive, mild laxative, diuretic,vulnerary


Medicinal uses: Increases lymphatic drainage and breaks up lymphatic congestion (enlarged lymph nodes) especially in the pelvis, and in general is a lymphatic tonic. Galium is also demulcent for the urinary tract, giving it indication in cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis and pyelonephritis. Can be used topically for inflammation of the skin, minor injuries and conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.


  • Iridoid glycosides including asperuloside are mildly laxative & purgative.

Pharmacy: Infusion: 1-2 tsp/cup, steep 10 min, 1-2 cups TID. Fluid extract: (1:1, 25%), 2-4 ml TID. Tincture: (1:5, 25%), 4-10ml TID. Fresh juice: 3-15ml, TID. Poultice, skin wash as needed.

Toxicity:  None

Contraindications: None known.

Interactions: None reported.

2015-03-18 12.51.52


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