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Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola rosea                                         Common name: Rhodiola, Golden root

Family: Crassulaceae

Parts used:  Root

Constituents: Phenylpropanoids (rosavin, rosin, rosarin), phenylethanol derivatives (salidroside, rhodioloside), flavonoids, mono & triterpenes, phenolic acid

Medicinal actions:  Adaptogen, tonic, stimulant, mental enhancer, anti-stress, antioxidant, immuno-stimulant, cardioprotective

Medicinal use: The effects on the nervous system for this herb can be both stimulating and sedating depending on the dose. It can enhance physical endurance, and sexual potency, improves thyroid, thymus and adrenal function, and protects the nervous system, heart and liver through antioxidant effects. It increases the body’s resistance to stress and has a protective effect upon neurotransmitters (especially serotonin and dopamine). It has specific use for headaches in neurasthenia and will enhance cognitive function, learning, memory and concentration.


  • Stimulates NE, dopamine, serotonin and nicotinic cholingergic effects in the CNS and enhances effects of those neurotransmitters.

Pharmacy:  Dried root: 1g TID. Standardized extract: (3% rosavin, 1% salidroside) 200-600mg QD. Low dose tends to be stimulating and high dose is more sedating. Note: Many commercial products have little to no biological activity, be sure to verify the quality of the product before purchasing.

Toxicity: No adverse effects known.

Contraindications: Avoid with excited states and use with caution in bipolar conditions, especially with those with a tendency towards mania.

Interactions: None known.



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